Focus-aware Retinal Projection

Near-eye Display

Focus-Aware Retinal Projection-based Near-Eye Display

(IEEE ISMAR 2021, poster)

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The primary challenge in optical see-through near-eye displays lies in providing correct optical focus cues. Established approaches such as varifocal or light field display typically sacrifice temporal or spatial resolution of the resulting 3D images. This paper explores a new direction to address the trade-off by combining a retinal projection display (RPD) with ocular wavefront sensing (OWS). Our core idea is to display a depth of field-simulated image on an RPD to produce visually consistent optical focus cues while maintaining the spatial and temporal resolution of the image. To obtain the current accommodation of the eye, we integrate OWS. We demonstrate that our proof-of-concept system successfully renders virtual contents with proper depth cues while covering the eye accommodation range from 28.5 cm (3.5 D) to infinity (0 D).



  • Mayu Kaneko , Yuichi Hiroi, Yuta Itoh, “Focus-Aware Retinal Projection-based Near-Eye Display”, IEEE ISMAR Adjunct 2021, Bari, Italy/Virtual, Oct. 04-09, 2021.